Tuesday 12 February 2013

Shooting Schedule 5

We could not shoot on the 12th, as it was too cloudy and we forgot the battery for our camera. We now know to check the camera before going to the location. Wednesday 13th seems like a good day to shoot, but we will recast the role of Eva as Lailah is busy during the time we must shoot. Instead we'll use Francesca.

Monday 11 February 2013

Shooting Schedule 4

During the 8th-10th weekend, it was too rainy/snowy to be able to film outside and complete our filming. Therefore, as we would like to finnish our filming before 1/2 term, we will be finishing out filming on Tuesday 12th February. The weather seems to be good in comparison to the rest of the week. Hopefully the partly-sunny conditions will allow us to effectively film our opening sequence with lighting we need.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Shooting Schedule 3

We are now filming the dream sequence on Sunday the 10th February, weather permitting. We will all be there including Kathy and  Lailah. Meet at 12:30/1:00 at Wandsworth common.

Ident (EA)

Segment Productions Ident:

This is the ident I have decided to use to represent our film company. I very much liked the idea of cubes and squares because they are easy shapes to be creative with. Because I was interested in those kind of shapes I tried to think of a decant name, segment was all that came to mind because it represents the shapes we will be using and also it can be interpreted to a slightly deeper level as it shows the how when you cut up film its in segments or the many different stages of production in a film. The addition of the word Productions was just because we could not leave it at just segment, also with productions it makes the audience know its definitely a film production company. Another point is that the animation of the sequence was very difficult to make. The animation we have is not the same as the one I wished to have but I have tuned this one to my liking. The original idea was that the white letters above would just slide into place with the black letters and make a word. I found this much too hard on final cut pro so instead I managed to just make them appear in different ways, almost as if they were being stuck on page in little chunks. This now leads me onto sound, because of the sudden and quite "segmented" appearance of each letter I tested different sounds with the animation, I found a large 40second clip of typing and split it up into just a key for each letter and using the end of the clip to represent the Production part with a satisfying little ping. Colour was a big decision but in my research i found that minimal colour worked best because it stopped the audience having to focus too much and they could concentrate on the ident and movements. This meant that I chose a black and white scheme which works well, my intent was to make this ident as minimalistic as possible because when I see large international film companies trying to overdo their ident hoping that it will make the audience appreciate it more it frustrates me. The ident must be a simple short representation of your company and as we are going to be a small indie company our ident should be very student style.